Seventeenth National Photographic Competition  - Seventh International Photographic Competition


28th April – 5st May 2019

 C a l e n d a r  o f  t h e  E v e n t

Deadline for files submission ..........…... 24th March 2019

Jury’s meeting ..........…... 7th April 2019

Communication of results ..........…... from 9th April 2019

Opening of the exhibition ..........…... 28th April 2019 – 10 am

Ceremony of prize-giving ..........…... 30th April 2017 – 5 pm

End of the exhibition ..........…... 5th May 2019

 S c h e d u l e 

Visiting hours:

Working days: 9pm.-11pm.;

Public holidays: 10am.-12pm. and 3pm.-7pm

 P r i z e s

First :       Gift card € 500,00

Second :     Gift card € 250,00

Third :        Gift card € 150,00

To distinguished works: subscription to photographic magazines

In memory of MAURIZIO CORTI: Audience Award

 J u r y

PIERGIORGIO ARDIGO’ - President Photo Group “La Gioconda”

BEPPE ARENA – Head of the Cremona Drama School Artistic Director of the Bellini Theater of Casalbuttano

PAOLO GHIRINGHELLI – President of the CRAL Photographic Group of Cremona

FULVIA FARASSINO PEDRONI - Professional Photographer. Collaborator of the most important italian journalistic headings.

KIARA ROSSI CONSOLANDI - Photographer – Visionary Storyteller

 S e c r e t a r y

PAOLO CALZA - Counsellor of P.G. La Gioconda

ERNESTO SEVERGNINI - Counsellor of P.G. La Gioconda  


I n f o r m a t i o n      (call between 8-10pm. UTC/GMT : +1)


PIERGIORGIO ARDIGÒ (ph. +39 335 588 8765)

PAOLO CALZA  (ph. +39 037 436 1094).

ERNESTO SEVERGNINI  (ph. +39 037 467 439)


1) The photographic team ‘’La Gioconda’’ – Oratory of Paderno Ponchielli, organizes the 17th national photo contest, 7th at international level


reserved for amateur photographer. The contest aims to promote the continuity in competitors’ work. It plans the presentation of eight images, indiscriminately black and white and/or colour, but however coherent among them.

The judgment of the jury will be based on the compound of the showed work, with a special attention to style and technique, coherence among the presented subjects and originality. The whole portfolio will be admitted, or not admitted; the portfolios that will obtain the highest evaluations will access prizes and special reports.

2) Judgment of the public. During the show, until 4 pm of 5th May 2019, the visitors can express their preferences concerning the exposed works. At the most voted work will be awarded Maurizio Corti Prize.

3) The works have to be sent as digital files in JPG form, with the participation sheet fulfilled in all its parts, at

The organizers will take care of printing 20x30 form to submit them at jury’s judgment and for the following show. The jury, if requested, will however have the possibility of viewing original files.

4) The participation fee is € 20,00

 It can be send as follows:

Money order: Registered to Gruppo Fotografico La Gioconda, C/O Giorgio Ardigò, Via Bellini 51, 26011, Casalbuttano (CR)

PayPal (e-mail:; add to the fee 1€ for committees)

Credit transfer: IBAN IT 48 N 08454 56710 000000035241, registred to Gruppo Fotografico ‘’La Gioconda’’ – Credito Padano – Agenzia di Casalbuttano).

Always indicate the causal and name of the competitor

5) The work send without participation fee, or with any discrepancy concerning with these rules, won’t be judged

6) Each author is personally responsible for the object of presented work and he authorizes the publication, projection and distribution through printing or Internet for artistic or cultural purposes, with no commercial gains.

7) Filling the sheet, you may accept what’s required by law 675/96 (Privacy); the participation at the contest requires from the author the authorization at treatment, with or without informatics tools, of personal data and their use from the Organizer for the development of fulfilments concerning the contest and association’s purposes. The personal data may be used to submit, to the authors themselves, some information concerning the results and the forthcoming initiatives of photographic group ‘’La Gioconda’’.

8) The partners of photographic group ‘’La Gioconda’’ won’t participate at the contest

9) Jury’s judgment is final. The participation at the contest involves the unconditional acceptance of these rules.